100% Chemical Free Toilet Paper.
Choose where your share of the profits go- reforestation, endangered animal breeding programs and more.
This is Tony. He wants to change the world “one roll at a time”. Tony is an ordinary Aussie bloke who loves enjoying life with his family. He is an old school-hands-on person who enjoys getting his hands dirty. Tony was inspired to start OOBAMBOO by his Daughter when she came home from school one day and asked her parents help her raise awareness for Orangutangs in Sumatra, where their habitat is being destroyed by deforestation for farming. They helped her to make some T-shirts and wore them everywhere. Tony was amazed by the amount of people who asked about their T-shirts and wanted to make a difference once they understood the issue. Tony saw what one family wearing T-shirts could do and realised that we can all make a difference and create positive change with small actions.
After some research, Tony decided to look into Bamboo based paper products and found a range of products that are not only better for the Environment but also more beneficial to the people who use them over wood based mainstream alternatives. He looked at options for sourcing these awesome products and found that the only manufacturers are based overseas. Tony travelled throughout Asia and visited some Bamboo plantations, Pulp mills and Paper mills to better understand the products, processes and the impacts and improvements they are bringing to their local communities and environments.
So why did Tony decide to start with toilet paper? I’ll let him answer this one…… “I decided on Bamboo TP as our initial product because, as with a lot of Dads, I seem to use a fair bit of it, and everyone I know needs to wipe their bum!”.